Indian Yoga Management, India
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Tuesday, 16 August 2016
why neck pain- treatment by yoga
Neck pain reason –how Yoga can cure By ----Indian Yoga Management, India ------ Human neck has many bones, nerve and gland. It is path...
Monday, 15 August 2016
Shoulder pain cure by yoga -learn how
Shoulder is a largest joint in our body. It is formed with the joining of humerus, arm bone and scapula. It is like a ball ...
how to cure kidney disease by Yoga
Kidney disease and yoga - Indian Yoga Management, India First understand what is kidney disease ? 1) Acute kidney injury – sudden ...
how to cure heart disease by yoga
How cure heart disease by yoga- - Indian Yoga Management Muscle does not get enough supply of blood in case of blockages in artery d...
No breast milk - yoga helps learn how
Breast milk - new born and yoga, - how yoga helps -Indian Yoga Management, India. After child birth mammary gland becomes active. A ...
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Breast cancer - how yoga help
Breast cancer - how yoga helps in curing- Indian Yoga Management, India Breast cancer begins in the lobes and ducts ( in its...
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