cancer - how yoga helps in curing- Indian Yoga
Management, India
Breast cancer begins in the lobes
and ducts ( in its cell ). There are 4-stages of cancer. It can
occur in both men and women. But chances are more in women. So, our
discussion is about women breast cancer. Breast cancer is more in
educated women than illiterate women. Its treatment is
Depend on examination of breast
cell- tissue, by x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound.
Breast cancer affect 1 in nine Australian women. In
India one in every 28 women develop breast cancer in lifetime (
18.5% population). We know it when it becomes
It means spreads beyond the milk duct area and affects other part
It spreads to Lymph Node, bone, liver and lungs. Deficiency in
vitamin D results in tumor progression and metastasis in breast cancer.
Yoga and life -
The women who performed yoga reported having more
energy and less
sleepiness, better physical functioning, and better
overall quality of life.
Since Yoga activate functioning of organ, remove
waste before changing
into disease
cell, and make stronger the bone tissue improving
immunity function.
When a cure for breast cancer in not possible –
later stage when it spread
to a point where
Cure is no longer possible. Now treatment is only
improving quality of life
by relieving the symptoms means “Palliative” treatment
with medication.
Here it is Yoga which gives relieve to improve life.
Now let’s discuss in details -
The fatty area of female breast is a
type of tissue called Connecting Tissue.
This tissue is in form of lobes
( 15 to 20 lobes ).
These lobes have lactiferous ducts
opens in hole of nipple.
It means there is a thin pipe like
structure connecting lobes and nipple.
Milk formed in these lobes come out
with this pipe ( lactiferous duct ) in nipple.
These are under control of following
hormone, it means hormone activate them as per function, work and type of work.
· Hormone – prolactine and
The source of these hormones is Pitutiary Gland and
Reasons of Cancer -
1. Hormone prescription drugs
2. Too much body fat
3. Much Stress/Not Enough
4. Chemicals in our food
5. Chemicals in our body care
products and cosmetics
6. Fewer and later pregnancies
7. Less breastfeeding
8. Not enough physical activity
and exercise
9. Exposure to Pollutants
10. Smoking
Australia Screening Mammography is free for the women above age 50 years.
Reasons on breast cancer in
other words –
1. Children after age 35
2. First period in early age.
3. Menopause age more than 55 years
4. Alcohol using frequently
5. Obesity- gaining weight after
6. More use of contraceptive
7. Use of hormone pill as replacement
therapy ( HRT )
Vitamin D which is obtained from
food or sunlight is converted into
hormone calcitriol in body tissue
including breast tissue. Calcitriol binds to
the vitamin D receptor VDR which
regulates a large number of gene which
are associated with cancer.
Following should be precaution -
Precautions - Self
Examination –
· Step 1: Begin by looking at your
breasts in the mirror - Breasts
that are their
usual size, shape, and color
· Breasts that are evenly shaped without
visible distortion or swelling
Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same
Step 3: While you're at the mirror, look for
any signs of fluid coming out of
one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or
4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to
feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a
firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the
fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion, about the size of a quarter.
functions like a tool to improve health and live healthy life even after
suffering from disease. There are
many yoga poses say asana and activity which improve metabolism, hormone
secretion, digestion, stress minimizing,
reducing fat, obesity, improving
blood circulation and many more.
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