Tuesday, 16 August 2016

why neck pain- treatment by yoga

Neck pain reason –how Yoga can cure
By ----Indian Yoga Management, India ------
Human neck has many bones, nerve and gland. It is pathway to pass the information, blood, stimulation and hormone level report from brain to body.
Pain in neck area starts with ignorable like may be due to sleeping problem or
Just may be some reason which can be tolerated.  May be stretching of vein, muscle, or pressure on bone, nerve, muscle. But some pain is not curable by medicine, tablet, capsule or chemical. Using medicine to long time is harmful and causes  side-effect as another disease. So, go for Yoga a physical exercise with pranayam and meditation. If cannot  do meditation for some reason, don’t  worry, physical activity and Asana is sufficient to cure the pain.
But first understand the reason of pain in neck area. – Let’s  discuss in details-
Cervical vertebrate which a bone is located in this part ( number  c1, c2, c3 …c7).

Neck carry the weight of skull, c1 is directly connected with skull, and it is fused with c2.  Individual name of c1 is Atlas and c2 is Axis. Others have no individual name, c3, c4, ……c7 are known as c3 vertebra,  c4 …….. and so on.
 Carotid Artery, Jugular Vein, cervical artery, scapular artery, subclavian artery,
Subclavian vein, thyroid vein these all pipe structure pass through in this neck area.  Thyroid gland,  Parotid gland, Omohyoid muscle, Thyrohyoid muscle, SCM clavicular attachment,  and many more  parts are located in this area.  These parts, organ, bone and gland have their own function to co-ordinate between body and mind.  Yoga  do the same work , co-ordination between body and mind.

Neck pain may be due to stretch in muscle like -
Longus Colli,  Longus capitas , Rectus Capitis, Scalene muscle ….etc.  These all muscles are connected with Cervical vertebrate and responsible for flexon of head and neck.  

Monday, 15 August 2016

Shoulder pain cure by yoga -learn how

Shoulder is a largest joint in our body.  It  is formed with the joining of humerus, arm bone and scapula. 

It is like a ball  fit in a socket.  
As activity and exercise including Pranayam, Asana and other activity. Yoga activates  our body parts and

stimulates sensory organ. In case of joint pain, shoulder pain, neck pain yoga acts as natural medicine. 

If we use chemical and medicine to cure this pain, it it temporary treatment. But if we cure it by natural way like

yoga, it is permanent treatment. Bone becomes strong, ligament becomes flexible and tendons  become loose 

to cure  the pain in natural way.   Let us discuss in details - 

 There are many parts near our shoulder and neck  like Coracoacromial ligament, Acromian, Coracoid,

Sternum, Coracohumeral Ligament, Capsular Ligament, Subscapular Bursa, Acromioclavicular Ligament, 

Scapula, Tendons, Coracoid Precess of Scapula, ............

These all are connected or say make a joint and called Shoulder. 

They all  function  as per their structure and anatomy.  It rotates at 360 degree. 

Tendon is a connective tissue.  It connects muscle and bone. It is made up of collagen fiber, very strong and 

flexible.  Tendons and  Ligaments are fibrous tissue. Both connects body parts. Tendons connects bone and 

muscle  where as  Ligament connects  bone with bone. On stretching beyond basic capacity both Tendon

and Ligament damage. When tendons damage it loss muscle function and starts swelling and soreness. 

On Ligament damage, weakens the joint.  Tear of  ACL  Anterior Cruciate Ligament in knee is in general 

practice of sports person specially  athletes.  

Now if there is pain in joint and muscle, we take medicine and tablets to cure it temporary, but 

for  permanent  treatment  we must  follow Yoga. 

how to cure kidney disease by Yoga

Kidney disease and yoga -  Indian Yoga Management, India

First understand what is kidney disease ?  
1) Acute kidney injury  – sudden damage
kidney and yoga
2)  Chronic kidney injury- kidney function worsen over number of years.  which
requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
due to high blood pressure and diabetes damaged blood vessels to the kidneys.
polycystic kidney disease –  growth of cysts on the kidneys.
(reflux nephropathy –  damage due to backward flow of urine into the kidneys.
Function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. These waste products and excess fluid are removed through urine.
ADH is a hormone that helps our  kidneys manage the amount of water in  body.
ADH is also called Arginine vasopressin. It’s a hormone made by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland. It tells kidneys how much water to conserve.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)  binds to receptors on cells in the collecting ducts of the kidney and promotes reabsorption of water back into the circulation. In the absence of antidiuretic hormone, the collecting ducts are virtually impermeable to water, and it flows out as urine.
Conclusion- Pituitary Gland is the source of ADH  hormone.
Yoga and asana  which is related to activating pituitary gland is useful.
There are many asana and poses which direct this gland and force to do well.
This yoga pose will not be for ….just try….let us see…
It should be in serious manner.

how to cure heart disease by yoga

 How cure heart disease by yoga- - Indian Yoga Management

Muscle does not get enough  supply of blood in case of  blockages  in artery due to cholesterol . It forms clot and results in heart attack.
coronary heart
The pain in heart indicates that the heart muscle requires blood and oxygen which is not in flow as required by heart muscle.
Yoga controls blood pressure, metabolism and ensures supply of oxygen in lungs and heart.
In detail –  heart pumps blood,  supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissue, removes carbon dioxide and other wastes.     [ right atrium + right ventricle =   right heart ].
[ left atrium + left ventricle =  left heart ].   The wall separating both is called  septum.
Heart attack  and  Cardiac arrest are not the same.
Yoga builds cardiovascular health, it boosts blood circulation, increases lung capacity.
People with heart disease have also other disease, which emphasizes the earlier disease.
Yoga means – pose, breathing,  meditation.
It  means not  –  yoga flavored exercise.
  • Yoga reduce high blood pressure
  • It  improve symptoms of heart failure
  •   ease palpitations
  •   enhance cardiac rehabilitation
  •  lower cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and stress hormones
  • improve balance, reduce falls, ease arthritis, and improve breathing for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Warning –  Do not do yoga  alone to see picture in book.  Get help of expert or  say  trainer.
because  there are many things to do and many things to not do.  So be careful.

No breast milk - yoga helps learn how

Breast milk - new born and yoga, - how yoga helps -Indian Yoga Management, India. 
After child birth mammary gland becomes active.  A female gets milk by nipple to feed new-born.
Yoga helps to activate the hormone and duct ( tube ) to produce milk. 
A spongy fat which is tissue is stretched in process of yoga, and also direct 
Pitutiary gland.   Let us discuss in details - 
This process is under control of hormone  called  Prolactine  and Oxitocine.
The fatty area of female breast is a type of tissue called Connecting Tissue.
This tissue is in form of  lobes ( 15 to 20   lobes ).
These lobes have lactiferous ducts opens in hole of nipple.
It means there is a thin pipe like structure connecting lobes and nipple.
Milk formed in these lobes come out with this pipe ( lactiferous duct ) in nipple.
Now question is that if milk is not sufficient how yoga can help in this ?
Let us think about 2 points only –
  • Hormone – prolactine and  oxitocine
  • Physical structure of breast

In Yoga we do physical activity like asann and meditation.  There are many
Other activities also but we will not discuss at this point.
Yoga coordinates body and mind.  Here body means organ, gland, tissue, system.
Mind means parts of brain and activity performed by brain.  For example thinking,
Excitement, anger, stimulation, movement, happiness …….and more.
If we start yoga in age  12 years afterwards, yoga controls the activity of Pitutiary gland.
If  Pitutiary  gland not functions  well, there are asann and meditation which
force this gland and also to Hypothalamus  to be as usual.
The source of  this hormone  Prolactine and Oxitocine  is
Hypothalamus and Pitutary  Gland.
Oxytocine  is  neurohormone  which has long time effect on body  by
Neurosecretion.   Here Yoga  and asana  help to solve this problem.
It is better to do yoga for every child – girl  from age 12 years onward.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Breast cancer - how yoga help

 Breast cancer - how yoga helps  in curing-   Indian Yoga  Management, India

Breast cancer begins in the lobes  and ducts ( in its cell ).  There are 4-stages of cancer.  It can occur in both men and women.  But chances are more in women. So, our discussion is about women breast cancer.  Breast cancer is more in educated women than illiterate women. Its treatment is
Depend on examination  of breast cell- tissue, by x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound.

Breast cancer affect 1 in nine Australian women.  In India  one in every 28 women develop breast cancer in lifetime ( 18.5%  population).  We know it when it becomes Invasive.
It means spreads beyond the milk duct area and affects other part also.

It spreads to Lymph Node, bone, liver and lungs. Deficiency in vitamin D results in tumor progression and metastasis in breast cancer.

Yoga and life -
The women who performed yoga reported having more energy and less


sleepiness, better physical functioning, and better overall quality of life.

Since Yoga activate functioning of organ, remove waste before changing

into disease

cell, and make stronger the bone tissue improving immunity function.

When a cure for breast cancer in not possible – later stage when it spread

to a point  where

Cure is no longer possible. Now treatment is only improving quality of life

by relieving  the symptoms means “Palliative” treatment with medication.

Here it is Yoga which gives  relieve to improve life.

Now let’s discuss in details - 
The fatty area of female breast is a type of tissue called Connecting Tissue.
This tissue is in form of  lobes ( 15 to 20   lobes ).
These lobes have lactiferous ducts opens in hole of nipple.
It means there is a thin pipe like structure connecting lobes and nipple.
Milk formed in these lobes come out with this pipe ( lactiferous duct ) in nipple.
These are under control of following hormone, it means hormone activate them as per function, work and type of work.
·                     Hormone – prolactine and  oxitocine

The source of these hormones is Pitutiary Gland and Thalamus. 

Reasons  of  Cancer -
1. Hormone prescription drugs
2. Too much body fat
3.  Much Stress/Not Enough Sleep
4. Chemicals in our food
5. Chemicals in our body care products and cosmetics
6. Fewer and later pregnancies
7. Less breastfeeding
8. Not enough physical activity and exercise
9. Exposure to Pollutants
10. Smoking

 In Australia  Screening Mammography is free for the women above age 50 years.
Reasons on breast cancer  in other words –
1.     Children after age 35
2.     First period in early age.
3.     Menopause age more than 55 years
4.     Alcohol  using frequently
5.     Obesity-  gaining weight after menopause
6.      More use of  contraceptive pill
7.     Use of hormone pill as replacement therapy ( HRT )

Vitamin D which is obtained from food or sunlight is converted into

hormone calcitriol in body tissue including breast tissue. Calcitriol binds to

the vitamin D receptor VDR which regulates a large number of gene which

are associated with cancer.

Following should be precaution -

Precautions -    Self Examination –

·        Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror  - Breasts that are their
usual size, shape, and color
·        Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling

Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes.

Step 3: While you're at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of
          one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or    

Step 4:  Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion, about the size of a quarter.

 Yoga functions like a tool to improve health and live healthy life even after 
suffering from disease. There are many yoga poses say  asana and activity which improve metabolism, hormone secretion, digestion, stress minimizing,
reducing fat, obesity, improving blood circulation and many more.